Friday, February 22, 2013

Hatsune Miku - Project Diva extend: Costume Module per song Guide

List of Modules on every song at Hastune Miku Project DIVA extend according to the song PV and module description.

1. ねこみみスイッチ (Nekomimi Switch)

Song by daniwell feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

にゃんこ (Cat Girl)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

2. 孤独の果て (Kodoku no Hate)

Song by Hikarisyuyo (光収容) feat. Rin Kagamine

Module for this song:

Rin Kagamine - main: ブラックスター (Black Star)

Len Kagamine: ブルームーン (Blue Moon)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

3. Palette

Song by ゆよゆっぺ (Yuyoyuppe)/meola feat. Luka Megurine

Module for this song:

サイレンス (Silence)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

4. SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-

Song by Toku P feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

オービット (Orbit)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

5. Starduster

Song by JimmythumbP feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

ホワイト・イブ (White Eve)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

6. 那由他の彼方まで (Nayuta no Kanata


Song by 釣り師P (TsurishiP) feat. Len Kagamine

Module for this song:

Len Kagamine mainブルームーン (Blue Moon)

Rin Kagamine: ブラックスター (Black Star)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

7. 星屑ユートピア (Stardust Utopia)

Song by otetsu feat. Luka Megurine

Module for this song:

ナギサ レプカ (Nagisa Replica/Nagisa Replica AS)

Nagisa Replica
Nagisa Replica AS
HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

8. タイムリミット (Time Limit)

Song by  Tatami P (North-T) feat Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

スペチャン39 (Space Channel 39)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

9. 歌に形はないけれど (Uta ni Katachi wa 

Nai Keredo)

Song by doriko feat. Miku Hatsune

Moduel for this song:

チロル (Tyrol)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

10. 炉心融解 (Roshin Yuukai - Meltdown)

Song by  iroha (sasaki)/kuma (alfred) feat. Rin Kagamine

Moduel for this song:

リアクター (Reactor)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

11. えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ (Electric Angel)

Song by Yasuo P feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

春香Style (Haruka Style)

HMPD extend screen shot

Model image by xxSnowCherryxx

12. Yellow

Song by kz feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

イエロー (Yellow)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

13. 千年の独奏歌 (DIVA edit) (Sennen no

Dokusouka (DIVA edit))

Song by yanagi P feat. KAITO

Module for this song:

スミレ (Violet)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

14. 右肩の蝶 -39's Giving Day Edition- 

(Migikata no Chou -39's Giving Day Edition-)

Song by NoriP/Mizuno Yuuryou feat. Len/Rin Kagamine

Module for this song:

鏡音レン/リン スクールウェア (Kagamine Len/Rin School wear)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

15. あなたの歌姫 (Anata no Utahime)

Song by azuma feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

プラグイン (Plug-In)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

16. パズル (Puzzle)

Song by kuwagata P feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

パッチワーク (Patchwork)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

17. 忘却心中 (Boukyaku Shinjuu)

Song by OPA/Asaki No'9 feat. MEIKO

Module for this song:

ローレライ (Lorelei)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

18. リンリンシグナル -Append Mix- (Ring Ring

Signal -Append Mix-)

Song by Dios/シグナルP feat Rin/Len Kagamine

Module for this song:

鏡音リン/レン アペンド (Kagamine Rin/Len Append)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

19. Just Be Friends

Song by Dixie Flatline feat. Luka Megurine

Module for this song:

シフォンワンピース (Chiffon Dress)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

20. melody...

Song by mikuru396 feat Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

フェイ・イェン スタイル (Fey-yen Style)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

21. 番凩 (Tsugai Kogarashi)

Song by Shigotoshite-P feat. MEIKO/KAITO

Module for this song:

MEIKO - 紅葉 (Autumn)

KAITO - 時雨 (Drizzle)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

22. カラフル×メロディ (Colorful x Melody)

Song by Team MOER feat. Miku Hatsune/Rin Kagamine

Module for this song:

Miku Hatsune: カラフルドロップ (Colorful Drop)

Rin Kagamine: チアフルキャンディ (Cheerful Candy)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

23. ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー (Luka 

Luka★Night Fever)

Song by samfree feat. Luka Megurine

Module for this song:

サイバーネイション (Cyber Nation)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

24. StargazeR

Song by Kotsuban P feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

チア (Cheer)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

25. 金の聖夜霜雪に朽ちて(Kogane no Seiya

Sousetsu ni Kuchite)

Song by Deadball_P feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

初音ミク クリスマス (Hatsune Miku Christmas)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

26. いろは唄 (Iroha Uta)

Song by Ginsaku feat. Rin Kagamine

Module for this song:

陽炎 (Kagerou)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

27. *ハロー、プラネット。(I.M.PLSE-EDIT) 

(*Hello, Planet. (I.M.PLSE-EDIT))

Song by Sasakure P feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

Hello World.

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

28. 結んで開いて羅刹と骸 (Musunde Hiraite

Rasetsu to Mukuro)

Song by Hachi feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

ラセツトムクロ (Rasetsutomukuro)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

29. 初音ミクの消失 (Hatsune Miku no 


Song by cosMo@暴走P (cosMo@BousouP) feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

ゴシック (Gothic)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

30. パラジクロロベンゼン 


Song by Owata feat. Len Kagamine

Module for this song:

ストレンジ ダーク (Strange Dark)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

31. 裏表ラバーズ (Uraomote Lovers)

Song by wowaka feat Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

コンフリクト (Conflict)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

32. こっち向いて Baby (Kocchi Muite Baby)

Song by ryo feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

ナチュラル (Natural)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

33. 初音ミクの激唱 (Hatsune Miku no 


Song by Storyteller with Bousou Orchestra feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

∞ (Infinity)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

34. カラフル×セクシィ (Colorful x Sexy)

Song by Team MOER feat. Luka Megurine/MEIKO

Module for this song:

Luka Megurine: フェアリーマカロン (Fairy Macron)

MEIKO: セクシープディング (Sexy Pudding)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

35. ローリンガール (Rolling Girl)

Song by wowaka feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

回転少女 (Kaiten shōjo)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA

36. 積乱雲グラフィティ (Sekiranun Grafiti)

Song by ryo feat. Miku Hatsune

Module for this song:

シャイニー (Shiny)

HMPD extend screen shot

Module image by SEGA