Lets begin.
Each episode review/impression:
Epi.01: Poison Kiss
Who are this guys? They're the members of Quarter Night!
Its been a while since I last watched this episode and the only thing that get stocked on my head is...

The Poison Kiss performance of the Quarter Night! (Aside from the Happy Pulse/Maji Love 2000% performance on the opening)
On this episode, only Ai-senapi, Ren-senpai and Ranmaru-senpai were only introduced. I dunno, Camus-senpai suddenly vanished on after the Poison Kiss performance.
This episode is more of the introduction thingy. That kinda expected on the 1st episode.
Epi.02: Ai no Reincarnation
This episode is about the new student of Saotome Gakuen who's taking up the master course, and is the "potential" member of STARISH, Cecil Aijima.
Well, we all knew Cecil from season 1, he is Nanami's Kurupu turned into a human~
Going back to the series review, on this episode, Cecil also tried to kiss Nanami for a several times!

Luckily, Nanami has his "Knight →
in shining armor" around to stop Cecil in an instant; well of course, the won't allow anyone to have Nanami's first kiss on the lips that easily.
And also, on this episode, they introduced the forth senpai who will handle/look over Cecil. That senpai is....*inserts drum roll*
Camus-senpai!~ He had a spectacular entrance! That made me rofl!

Epi.03: True Wings
The episode wherein Syo-chan became Oresama (etto.. His became a bit manly on this episode that's why I address him as Oresama :P)

Thanks to Nanami's clumsyness, Syo made it through the other side!
Syo-chan progressed on this episode.
Epi.04: Koi Sakura
Episode of Masato x Tokiya~ <3 Oh dear fan girls and boys, you'll love this part~
Just kidding! Masato can't do it with another guy! Hahaha! (ˆ▽ˆ)
What's with the scene? Well, Masato auditioned for a Historical themed play. For the STARISH to have a greater chance on winning this year UtaPri award~
Thanks to everyone's help. He did it! How? He just imagined that he's going to embrace Nanami *her again*, so things end up just fine.
It was a real GREAT job!
Epi.05: Smile Magic
Nanami accidentally discovered an orphanage where Otoya spend most of his free time, and that orphanage is the place where he actually grew up.

Don't worry one has a guardian angel~
And so the rest of the STARISH came and help them to pull out some costumers wearing their cute bear costumes~ →
Meanwhile inside the bazaar~
Meanwhile inside the bazaar~
The children invited Nanami and Otoya to try out the horror booth, since they were "couples"~

More on charity works on this episode.
Ren Jinguji received an invitation to join the Japan Boys Collection fashion show. It was his older brother who wants him to join the said fashion show.
Something unexpected *as always* came up during his cat walk. The lights went out and so he has no choice but to calm everyone down by singing his new song. The entire hall had their heart lighten up like a candle~ It was so bright and pretty~
This episode is more of "Knowing the real score about Ren Jinguji"
Epi.07: Siruis e no Chikai
Revelation of Natsuki's other form, Satsuki.
STARISH finally figure out that Natsuki has an alter-ego named Satsuki, who is created after Natsuki has been betrayed by his beloved teacher. Well, that teacher was really mean! I mean, stealing someone's work is really wrong, and I really understand Natsuki's pain way back then.
"I was created to protect him from any pain that he will encounter."

That made me think...
Cecil always coming on the right time were STARISH needs a big help. Didn't you notice?
Anyway, I really love this episode because Satsuki finally stabilized on his own will~
Epi.08: Hoshi no Fantasia

While the boys are having fun, Nanami is pretty stock up on her own cabin, working on a new song for STARISH as requested by Saotome Shining.
But, she never forget her promise to Cecil that she will give him his own song~

He sing his new song with the rest of the STARISH memebers, and Nanami then found out that the missing part on her composition is Cecil's voice.
The next day, she come up with a great creation and it was the Happy Pulse/Maji Love 2000%, but unfortunately, Cecil received a letter requesting him to go back to Agnapolis to become a King.
As I though...
Cecil came back! He jump off the helicopter, carrying a letter with him that he is allowed to become an idol.
Saotome Shining was at first hesitates to let Cecil join STARISH, but music says it all. Together with the rest of the STARISH, they completed the Happy Pulse and sing it in front of Saotome, Ringo, Hyuuga, and Quarter Night~
This episode was so thrilling because they're on a do-or-die situation~ And everything is up to Saotome to decided.
And it is also announced on this episode that one of the contestant for the UtaPri Awards is HEAVENS! A group under Raging Entertainment, the mortal enemy of Shining Entertainment.
Epi.10: Crystal Time
They're finally introduced to the public! The brand new STARISH!!
The finalist for the UtaPri Brand New Awards are STARISH and HEAVENS! Battling on the same composition by Nanami. The loosing group will be disband after the awards night.
Let us know more about the HEAVENS!
Their leader is Otori Eiichi, the son of Raging Otorii. He is the guy with glasses and the rape face.
The second member is Mikado Nagi, the cute one who slap Natsuki's hand on their first meet.
The last one is Sumeragi Kira, his a man with few words. He rarely talks. May be his reserving his voice for singing? (¬‿¬)
STARISH must win! If they don't, they'll lose Nanami forever! Who knows what can this man do?
Epi.11: Yumeoibito he no Symphony
Nanami was so stressed on making the arrangement for STARISH, but then receives an invitation from Tokiya to see meet him on the city and breath out a little bit.
Its time for the Prince to serve their Princess!
Without Nanami knowing that it will end up on a date with Tokiya. Well, this date is way better than on Otoya's part since the two of them went to different booths on the festival site.

This episode gave me a little time to breath before the two groups big performance.
Another thing, everyone look good on their clothes!
The episode title says it all. This episode is where you can see the performance of HEAVENS.

Yes, Cecil kept on spinning and spinning! Which made Syo a little pissed off. >:D
Everyone is very busy the day before their big performance.
Ai-senpai isn't confident that STARISH will win the UtaPri Brand New Awards, while Kotobuki-senpai is confident that they'll make it.

Ranmaru-senpai was first a band vocalist, but before their concert, all of his band members suddenly quit, and this made him heart broken, and dislikes to be friends with his new group mates.
Ranmaru-senpai did well on defending Nanami against the harassment of Eiichi again.
Back to the HEAVENS performance...
It was really great, even the members of STARISH had their jaw dropping, except Tokiya and Jinguji.
Epi.13 Final: Maji Love 2000%
Before the final performance, there are still some happenings on the STARISH dressing room.

I really love this part where Syo slap Eiichi's hand off to Nanami, and FINALLY, Nanami had a backbone to fight against Eiichi! She's no longer a scaredy cat~ Yey!
Now, lets go on to the performance of STARISH!
Are you ready?
Well, the Happy Pulse/Maji Love 2000% was really good and a little funny, at the same time not that exciting anymore.
Why is that?
Funny because, that part when everyone in the audience floats around and did the Agna dance like, with a Sailor Moon transformation like thingy, I was like, "Whats with the Agna dance?!" and other people said that, they eventually look like some kind of a floating worm?!

It is pretty obvious that the STARISH will win the UtaPri Brand New Awards.
But sadly, I wasn't happy on how the series ended. Why?
1. No one won Nanami's heart!

3. Cecil had a some few parts on Maji LOVE 1000%! (WHY?! T^T Why didn't they come up with another arrangement where in Cecil is a part of Maji Love 1000%)
4. I want to see more on how the ST☆RISH will grow more! even just a little. (; n ; )
5. That Happy Pulse impact isn't that exciting anymore! T^T